
manufacturing online
  The new version of focuses on manufacturing and sales. There are also several improvements in all other modules. The list of new features includes: General: new item selector that makes it easier to search data throughout verious fields multiple units of...
Accounting online software in Poland - - provides necessary tools for controlling: financial reports required by Polish financial authority dimensions for project reporting or ABC costing models Financial reports can be scheduled weekly, monthly or quarterly and...
Send Standard Audit Files (JPK) to the Ministry of Finance
Build 7 of the Accounting Online software has been released. It contains the following new functionality: Standard Audit Files (JPK) required for small and medium limited companies in Poland can be sent to the Ministry of Finance servers directly from
mKsiegowa for a mobile phone or tablet
New program version of an accounting software version 3 is better prepared for a mobile phone or tablet. We've implemented several changes to the user interface so it works well on such devices: Top menu adapts to screen width of a browser "Drop down" menu with max 8...
standard audit file poland when
Standard Audit File for Tax is being introduced in Poland by the Ministry of Finance. It is called JPK - Jednolity Plik Kontrolny. Large enterprises with 250 or more staff members (on an annual average) in at least one of the last two financial years, or  which had more than the PLN equivalent of...
jednolity plik kontrolny po angielsku - standard audit file
General Inspector of Treasury Control and supervision implements new IT solutions supporting treasury control measures. Effective 1st of July 2016 large organizations will be mandated to provide their financial data in an electronic form - Standard Audit File. Following units belong to the large...
accounting Poland - CRM module
We've released a new version of accounting software for Polish companies. The update focuses on recent changes in Polish VAT in 2016 and also it expands the functionality of CRm module. We've implemented following changes: notes for customers user defined customer statuses...
VAT reverse charge in Poland
We've just released a new version of accounting software for Polish companies. The update focuses on recent changes in Polish VAT. It addresses new rules with reverse VAT charge introduced in July this year. In particular following changes related to VAT have been implemented: new version... accounting online in Poland
Minor update of the accounting online software has been released. Changes include: Enhanced print out of Inventory Item Movement document Item codes can be placed on supplier order print out Improved import procedure of CSV file with transaction history generated from mbank...
fixed assets
The new version 2.11.4 of is equipped with a large number of revolutionary features:   The new module - Fixed Assets Extended sales invoice modification possibilities Copy sales invoice Extensive sales price calculation based on the average purchase...
Financial reporting for enterprises micro
Financial reporting for enterprises "micro" is now available in accounting software in Poland - According to 2015 legal changes "micro" enterprises have been defined. Such enterprises may prepare simplified financial statements consisting of a balance sheet, income statement and...
Fixed assets - accounting Poland
New module of is being prepared - Fixed Assets. We're actually testing it and preparing for next release in March. Fixed Assets functionality will include registration of: tangible assets (property, plant, and equipment) intangible assets The module automates...