
The system is a safe program as it has a number of security features that allow you to use it in the cloud without any problems.

Program security:

zabezpieczenia programu księgowego przez szyfrowane połączenie

Encrypted Connection

Like most cloud programs, the program is provided with strong encryption of data transmission between the server and the user's computer.

Polityka bezpieczeństwa przy pracy z programem online

Security policy

The cooperation concerning the update of the security policy is necessary to ensure the security of accounting data. That's why we always support our users in implementing the best standards of using Internet programs. 

zabezpieczenia w programie księgowym online

Secure server room

The data is processed and stored in a triple secured server room that meets the Tier 3 of the Tier Standard System.

uprawnienia w programie księgowym online

Access Setup

Each user has a defined scope of authority in the program. Access role gives the user access to only those functionalities that correspond to their role in the organization.

Zabezpieczenie danych księgowych wynikające z Ustawy o Rachunkowości

Security of accounting data under the Accounting Act

The program meets all the requirements resulting from the Accounting Act.

Audyt operacji księgowych

Audit of accounting operations

The program saves every accounting operation entered by the user. This allows you to easily audit the activities of each user if necessary.

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