Sales pricing

The module 'Sales' online accounting software, you can define the types of sales in the system.
Price lists are used for the issue of Order and sales invoices.

Where to enter the price?

Prices within a given pricing is determined in the module 'Items and Inventories' -> Sales prices.

Where to set the pricing?

Price list (also called The type of program sales) can be determined for each client in the directory clients. This allows customers to assign to some gross price lists and other net pricing.

The setting of Gross in the price list is controlled by the calculation of VAT on the price when entering sales documents.

Default rates for new customers can be set in System Settings and General Ledger.

The parameter modification pricing

To change the pricing, please use the icons in the program cenniki

Deleting pricing

To delete a price list, click the icon cennik online accounting program.


  • If you get a message that there are transactions that use this price list, then please contact us. In this case, pricing can remove administrator.
"type of sale can not be deleted"
  • Change the name of the price list must be adapted to his character. In particular, there must be compatibility between the name and the type of pricing (net/gross). Change the type of pricing (net/gross) while using the program should be done carefully and in consultation with the administrator.